
If you’d like a mention on here, please tell other people about Eat the Treat. If you do it publically online, just let me know where you’ve mentioned it and I’ll add you below. I’m @anothercraig on twitter, or my email address is

The first and most essential round of thanks go to the people who visited, read and shared my site with others. Without them, far less people would know it existed. They shared it via Twitter, Facebook, email, forums and by word of mouth. They are @boneyemo, @mrsselfdestrukt, @Nickie72, @wibblenut, @kyuker, @jerrybattiste, @ShoutsAtCows, @Hallmork, @PaulaMaher, @R2Loz2, @giddysausage, @bobblebardsley, Dave Langin, Sheila Kerr, Matty Morrey, and all the members of the Eat the Treat Facebook Group. (If I’ve missed anyone off, genuinely not intentionally, please let me know.)

Thanks, and apologies, also go out to my other websites who I have been neglecting, preferring instead to eat and review chocolate:,,, and the others I’ve genuinely forgotten.

Final and fundamental thanks go to my wife for helping put my thoughts into words. What I’ve wanted to say often makes sense in my head, but it doesn’t always make as much sense when written down. Thanks for listening to my ramblings, giving me feedback and adding the necessary succinctness to my reviews. Also, thanks for tolerating my obsession.

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