
Cadburys, you genius!


Over the last couple of years I have found myself reviewing quite a few Cadburys products. Cadburys chocolate is great, but unfortunately quite a lot of Cadburys treats are just normal Cadburys Milk Chocolate in a different shape.

So it was great to eat Cadburys Eclairs – FINALLY a bit of variation! The Eclairs are a caramel toffee type sweet filled with cadburys chocolate. So nice, sweet and chewy and as the packet contains just 6 Eclairs they are about the same size as a normal bar of chocolate.

The only time I’ve bought Eclairs in the past is in bags that cost a couple of quid at the cinema, so it is great to get a 6 sweet pack for the same price as an average bar.

Nice one, Cadburys!

Choc Rating : 8 / 10

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